Saturday, October 19, 2013

Super ṧαṫυя∂αƴ

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                        Less than three,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Soccer Saturday ⚽

Every Saturday is a soccer game. Enjoy watching when the game ends,don't worry just high-five everyone and say good game.✋

                     Less than three,

Monday, August 5, 2013

Make me smile Monday

Smiling is infectious
You catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too
I walked around the corner
And someone saw me grin
When he smiled I realised
I had passed it on to him
I thought about the smile
And then realised its worth
A single smile like mine
Could travel round the earth
So if you feel a smile begin
Don't leave it undetected
Start an epidemic
And get the world infected.

                     Less than three, Chaulauda & Jackiebear

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday is the best day because its Today

We recently took a hiatus from our blog, and though we were absent online it was never far from our hearts and thoughts! As one of our favorite philosophers says: "Never underestimate the value of doing nothing, of just going along listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering" - Winnie-the-Pooh

It feels good to be back! In honor of all things Pooh, honey, and friends of the 100 acre woods we leave you with some of our other favorite quotes from the loveable Bear with Very Little Brain.

Less than three,

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thru all the fireworks Thursday

Happy 4th to everyone! Celebrate with your family with no worries but just relax and watch fireworks.

                    Less than three,

Friday, May 3, 2013

Fun Friday

Eating pizza, swinging with friends, Mandy , Katelyn, Amanda.Library. So fun!

Less than three,

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Surprise Thrsday

Today for Thursday, eating ice cream,braiding hair, making friendship bracelets. Those are the little things for surprise day with Chaubear!

Less than three,

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

To a greater extent Tuesday

"Life is about using the whole box of crayons" - RuPaul

Less than three,

Friday, April 26, 2013

Finding flowers friday

Flowers make a positive impact on people's lives, emotionally and physically.  Waking up in the morning and seeing pretty blooms outdoor or on your kitchen counter sets up a better mood for the rest of your day, in which your positivity spreads to others around you. A set of flowers can create a welcoming and beautiful atmosphere; hotels invest in a good florist to decorate their lobbies, and companies have vases of flowers in their receptions and meeting rooms. Not only that, many different types of flowers aid in treatments, are used as infusions for tea, and provide tasty additions to meals.

Having more blooms in your life has got to be a good thing, so why not add some more flowers to your life this friday!  Try putting fresh flowers in the kitchen or around your work space and see how they improve your mood throughout the day. To ensure a definite mood increase, don't forget the cupcakes next to the flowers ;)   HAPPY FRIDAY from the Chalaudas to you! 

Copyright: Chalauda Photography 2013

Less than three,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tumbleweed Thusday

Today is Tumbleweed Thursday, we challenge you to live your life like a tumbleweed! Tumbleweeds are an icon of the American West. Did you know that this plant grows to about 3 feet? At maturity it breaks at the base and because it is rounded, it tumbles in the wind. There is a natural purpose to this tumbling--the tumbleweed can produce up to 250,000 seeds, and the tumbling serves to spread those seed wherever it tumbles, guaranteeing that there will be more tumbleweeds in the future.

You might ask "How do I be a tumbleweed?" Simple! Be open to the universe and let it be your guide. Tumbleweeds don't force themselves in any one direction, they just tumble with the wind. Sometimes they stop temporarily, standing still until the next gust picks them up. Never staying in any one place permanently, the tumbleweed must be open to change in order to survive! Wherever you go, leave behind your seeds. We are all unique and hold special talents, take a risk by leaving a little of yourself behind with all those other tumbleweeds you meet along the way.

Best of all, eat a cupcake and get round like a tumbleweed!

Less than three,
Tumbleweed Chalaudas

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wednesday Without Worry

Do you worry about fat, calories or carbs? Ask yourself why. Enjoy food and cupcakes and celebrate yourself today without worries!

Less than three,

The Three C's Tuesday

Less than three,

Monday, April 22, 2013

Make the most out of Monday

Have you ever told yourself that you would do something tomorrow instead of today? I'll workout tomorrow, I'll clean tomorrow, I'll call my friend tomorrow - are all things I have said before. I even recently found an old box of chocolates that i was planning to use to make brownies, but never did; which inspired me to think "why wait any longer?" Make the most out of Monday because it is today! I once read that tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, which is why it is called the present! So change your daily routine and start on that project that you promised yourself that you would do tomorrow today. We're not waiting for tomorrow to eat cupcakes, we're eating them today!

Less than three,

Friday, April 19, 2013

Fix it Friday

Simply, positive, joyful living begins with one's self. We all have setbacks, obstacles, and negativity in our life that, if not handled correctly, can control and impact our way of thinking, decline our health, limit our interactions with others, and minimize our outlook on life. All these things are inevitable in life, but it is how we view them that defines us.

Today for friday, we encourage you find a bad habit or trait and SLOWLY replace this habit that is harming you (and others) with something that doesn't and is more positive. Doing this will take time and patience is virtue. Set your mind on fixing something and do it slowly because changes that are done slowly and mindfully stick with us. And remember, you can always fix yourself with a cupcake!

Copyright: Chalauda Photography 2013

Less than three,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thinking of a celebration Thursday

Today is a wonderful day to celebrate your most cherished friends! Why wait to honor those you love? There is no better time than the present to ring up a friend, pull her aside, or surprise her to let her know how much of a positive impact she has had upon your life. If you are ever so fortunate to come across those special people who stick by you through thick and thin, who let you be youer than you, then celebrate your priceless gift. Thank you from the bottom of my less than three heart for my Chalauda Bear, having double cupcakes all the way today!

Less than three,

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wealthy Wednesday

What is wealth to you? Many of us spend years or decades trying to build or accumulate an abundant supply of money or possessions of value that makes us wealthy. But did you ever think that simple things such as your health, family and friends, and yourself is wealth to you? Money makes us rich but staying young, happy, and healthy is a wealth that no amount of money can buy for you but only you can create for yourself.

I saw this in a newspaper column and thought I would share with my blog audiences! Share this with someone you love and live life to its fullest each day!


1. Throw out nonessential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctors worry about that, that is why you pay "them".

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's.

4. Enjoy the simple things.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person, who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be ALIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keep sakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, even to the next county; to a foreign country but NOT to where the guilt is.

10. Tell the people you love that you love them at every opportunity.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. 

Copyright: Chalauda Photography 2013

Less than three,


Monday, April 15, 2013

Marathon Monday

Today was the 117th Boston Marathon and unexpectedly, 2 explosions occurred at the finish line resulting in 2 dead and leaving more than 100 injured (Yahoo news). We would like to dedicate this Monday blog to all the runners in the Boston Marathon. Our hearts and prayers goes out to everyone affected by this tragic event. 

Less than three, 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tea time recipe Thursday

Transform any mug into a cup full of well being with this simple feel good tea recipe. In your favorite tea pot or mug, add 1/2 a stick of cinnamon, 3 cm chunk of ginger (chopped), and some lemon peel. Pour boiling water over contents, and let steep for a few minutes. Enjoy! The combination of ginger, lemon, and cinnamon have wonderful anti-bacterial, anti-inflammation, and anti-fungal properties that act to detox your inner system, and improve well-being. The aroma of this tea awakens your senses and clarifies mental sharpness. What a wonderful Thursday tea time recipe!

Less than three,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why not Wednesday

In the midst of the middle of the week, give yourself a break from work, school, writing and

1. Why not... sign up for a marathon?
2. Why not... plan your next vacation?
3. Why not... go to the beach?
4. Why not... enjoy the spring blossoms?
5. Why not... have a treat!

Copyright: Chalauda Photography 2013

Less than three,

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Water wisdom wednesday

Wednesday water wisdom: Did you know that drinking just one glass of water can reduce stress? Just one glass of water hydrates, cleanses, and flushes unwanted toxins from our bodies. Just one glass of water is all you need for a short burst of DIY stress relief. Use just one glass of water as your daily meditation practice. Focus on the water pouring into your glass, listen to the water, see how the water effortlessly fills the volume of the cup. Next, focus on drinking the water, feel the water reach your lips, and concentrate on how the water tastes, and the coolness it leaves behind as you take one swallow after another. In just one glass of water you can wash away the worries of the day by concentrating on the present moment. (note: any of the aforementioned 'water' can be replaced with 'cupcake').

Less than three,

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Take control Tuesday

Do you spend more time holding onto anger and grudges at someone who has wronged you or do you forgive and forget rather than letting letting your negative feelings crowd over your positive ones?

Why let anyone who has wronged you have power over you? When we hold onto grudges, we are drowned in an ocean of negativity filled with depression, anxiety, and stress. We lose conscience of what's truly  important and miss out on the good things in life. Take control of your emotions and rather than holding onto grudges, hold onto a cupcake!

Less than three,

Monday, April 1, 2013

Mason Jar Monday

What do you do when you're sick of studying?  Do a mason jar craft!  I recently got a pinterest and always want to do the cool things I see on there, so I picked one that I thought was super easy. Turns out, "pinterest easy DIY" does not equal "works on the first try"!

I wanted to decorate some mason jars to hold my hair things, qtips, etc. and stuff in a pretty display on my bathroom counter.

 I found a project that's supposed to be simple:  you put some rubber bands around a jar, spray paint it, then take the rubber bands off and you have a cool pattern. The jar on the left is what it's "supposed" to look like, courtesy of google images.

see how easy it is?

Except not.  I failed twice!  I don't know if it was my spray paint, or if I didn't use rubber bands that were tight enough, or what, but they turned out all messy with the paint dripping everywhere and peeling when I took the rubber bands off and general imperfection.  I should have taken a picture.

So I decided to just paint the inside of the jars for the present.  You literally drop some paint in, swirl it around the glass until it covers the whole inside, and voila, it looks kind of pretty.  But I wanted more than just a solid color, so I just drizzled some paint across my jars to see what it would look like.  It turned out okay!

I'm pretty happy with my easier-than-easy project for now.  But I have more mason jars left, so there might be more to come!

Have a great day =)


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Take to the track Thursday

Happiness comes from within; happy people choose to be happy, therefore they do things differently to make and keep themselves happy. One of the many things you will find happy people doing is Exercise. Many studies have shown that there's a link between happiness and exercise (The pursuit of Happiness), from increasing happiness levels to boosting self-esteems, giving you a higher sense of self-accomplishment.

Real life can often intrude with our best intentions and one missed workout turns into two, three, and before you know it, we have created a list of excuses not to workout. Spring is here and there are only a few weeks until summer so make exercise a habit and cement a workout plan to stick to. Lace up and take to the track (or run to your favorite cupcake shop)!. 

Less than three,

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Won't be long before Winter's gone Wednesday

It won't be long before Winter is gone and we spring into Spring! In the spirit of being mindful and expressing gratitude, let's celebrate all things winter one last time this season. Its only in Winter that the Chalauda's love skiing and snowboarding, enjoy taking long walks in the snow covered forest, sticking out our tongues to catch Winter's first flakes, running in the chill of winter's air, warming up with hot cocoa and fondue, finding cute winter mittens, scarves, and hats, seeing a white winter wonderland, long nights cuddling in flannel pjs, a crackling fireplace, seeing snow glisten in the sun, cross country skiing, taking a hot shower or bath, beach vacations while hearing about "snowmageddon" back home, snowball fights, an excuse to eat treats and cupcakes...and the list goes on! So before you groan about overcast skies and seemingly never ending snow, celebrate the things you DO love about winter! Because even though the grass will be greener on the other side, winter will be gone before you know it!

Less than three,

Tagalong Trail mix Tuesday

Trail mixes can be a perfect blend of nutrition and energy snack that can tagalong for on-the-go moments. Supermarkets offers countless brands and varieties of premixed trail mix bars that does the thinking for us.  The negative aspect of this is that the bars contain a large ratio of the unhealthy ingredients (peanuts and raisins) compared to the healthy ones because they're less expensive; so you are paying more than what it's worth. 

An alternative is to create your own!  Homemade trail mix can be cheaper, healthier, and more nutritious.  Making a bagful takes less than 5 minutes and depending on what you combine, each serving provides carbohydrates (for quick energy), protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals to fuel you throughout the day. Trail mix was intended to be a healthy snack, so avoid adding things like pretzels, marshmallows, or sugar coated anything.  However, if you find your trail mix to be boring, then add a little treat for a tasty addition (fun-size M&M's or dark chocolate chips)! You can have a treat and be healthy too!

Less than three,

Monday, March 25, 2013

Mushroom movement Monday

How many corporate logos can you recognize? We bet more than you think! Did you know that even pre-schoolers can easily identify hundreds of logos even before they know how to read? Now let's switch lanes, and ask how many types of mushrooms you can name? If you are like us you could barely name a handful of different kinds of mushrooms. Little did we know, there are over 14,000 different types of mushrooms including 3,000 edible varieties, and 1,400 poisonous ones! Mushrooms have some pretty amazing properties, which is why today is mushroom movement Monday! Why not sit down with a cup cake, and take a few minutes to find out all about the wonderful benefits of mushrooms. Let us know what you find out!

Less than three,

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tadasana Mountain Thursday

Do you ever feel guilty when you don't find time to make it to the gym? Stop it! You don't have to spend hours at the gym lifting weights to feel strong. Look within yourself and find the strength of a mountain. Stand tall, strong and unwavering in Tadasana pose (for more on this yoga pose click here). Focus on your breath, as you take a big inhale in from your belly and exhale slowly through your nose. Use this time as a standing meditation. The intention of meditation is not to have a blank mind, but to be mindful of the present. As you stand in mountain pose, let go of all your racing thoughts and concentrate in singularity on your breath. Feel the power of your feet root down into the ground, your quads engaged as you grow tall from the crown of your head. You are powerful. You are strong. Stand tall, strong and unwavering in Tadasana for atleast 1 minute today, then go have a cupcake to celebrate your strength!
Copyright: Chalauda Photography 2013
Less than three,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Waste be gone Wednesday!

It's the first day of Spring and that means Spring cleaning! Kick of Spring this Wednesday by getting rid of your unnecessary waste, and spring clean from the inside out. Declutter that messy chaotic closet, let go of the baggage that serves no purposes in you life and eliminate the negativity that is hanging around you and slowing you down. Get rid of symbols of sadness in your life. Hanging on to so many possessions can make us feel overwhelm and lose sight of what's important. Few belongings = more freedom. Why?
Because less mass = more energy. So grab a cupcake and clean!

“Letting go isn’t the end of the world; it’s the beginning of a new life.” ~Unknown

Less than three,

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tummy Tuck Tuesday

Food nourishes the body and comforts the soul. But sometimes our hectic schedules can interfere with the choices we make in terms of the things we eat. Spoil yourself everyday by putting your health first. Fast food doesn't have to mean compromising your body and soul, it just means eating something convenient and easy to prepare. Eating simply can be as easy as 1-2-3 or 3-2-1. Check out one of our favorite recipes for " 3-2-1 Chalauda Salad"

3-2-1 Chalauda Salad with 1-2-3 Dressing

3 veggies of any kind (we love spinach, kale, and celery)
2 fruits of any kind (try blackberries and avocado)
1 protein (eggs, fish, or nuts)

1-2-3 Chalauda Dressing Recipe
1 part olive oil
2 parts maple syrup
3 parts lemon juice

Chop up and mix together all of your 3-2-1 ingredients in a bowl. Mix together your 1-2-3 dressing and drizzle over your 3-2-1 salad. 5-4-3-2-1 ready, set, enjoy!

Don't forget to add a side of cupcake!

Copyright: Chalauda Photography 2013

Copyright: Chalauda Photography 2013

Less than three,

Monday, March 18, 2013

March madness Monday

Today kicks off the official start of March Madness; for a few weeks, Americans go mad for college basketball trying to determine the national champions by the fill of their brackets. Among all the frenzy and chaos that takes place throughout the month of March, remember that the true national champions are those who have won your friendship, love, respect, admiration, etc; they are the trophies you would be proud to display openly on your mantel for others to see.

Less than three,

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tranquility Thursday

What is the secret to life? Why are some happier than others when they're both working the same job or doing the same activities? Today for Thursday we focus on tranquility: an untroubled state of peace and quiet, free from stress, emotions, or disturbances. The secret to life is doing what you like, but most importantly, the key to happiness in life is liking what you do. Have a tranquil Thursday with a side of cupcake!

Copyright: Chalauda Photography 2013

Less than three, 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wake up Wednesdays!

Did you know that spending time outdoors can vastly improve both your physical and mental health? Check out the many benefits here. We're making today's blog short and sweet because its Wake Up Wednesdays. We're logging off the computer early today, hiding our phones, and getting lost in nature. Devote at least 10 minutes of your day today immersed and concentrated in nature.  Wherever you are, let nature awaken your senses. Some of our favorites from today, feeling winter's cool blast of wind and snow on our cheeks, hearing the birds chirping in the morning, smelling the fresh outside air instead of being inside, tasting sweet maple syrup on our pancakes, and of course seeing a pretty sunset at the beach! Enjoy Wake up Wednesdays and get outside with a cupcake :)

Copyright: Chlauda Photography 2013

Less than three,

Monday, March 11, 2013

Munching on Cupcake Monday!
As an adult, happiness is so complex, elusive, and hard to capture. We are constantly bombarded with the message that happiness can be found by seeking bigger and better things; a dream vacation, a promotion at work, or a passionate new relationship worthy of being made into a romantic comedy to name a few. To a child, happiness is so simple. Some of life's best lessons are those taught to us by children. Happiness is found in life's simple pleasures. It's about finding your cupcake in life, finding the joy  in your daily routine and appreciating your surroundings. So what's making the Chalaudas smile today? We are  Munching on Mondays with these fabulous cupcakes!

Less than three,