Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tagalong Trail mix Tuesday

Trail mixes can be a perfect blend of nutrition and energy snack that can tagalong for on-the-go moments. Supermarkets offers countless brands and varieties of premixed trail mix bars that does the thinking for us.  The negative aspect of this is that the bars contain a large ratio of the unhealthy ingredients (peanuts and raisins) compared to the healthy ones because they're less expensive; so you are paying more than what it's worth. 

An alternative is to create your own!  Homemade trail mix can be cheaper, healthier, and more nutritious.  Making a bagful takes less than 5 minutes and depending on what you combine, each serving provides carbohydrates (for quick energy), protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals to fuel you throughout the day. Trail mix was intended to be a healthy snack, so avoid adding things like pretzels, marshmallows, or sugar coated anything.  However, if you find your trail mix to be boring, then add a little treat for a tasty addition (fun-size M&M's or dark chocolate chips)! You can have a treat and be healthy too!

Less than three,

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