Monday, April 1, 2013

Mason Jar Monday

What do you do when you're sick of studying?  Do a mason jar craft!  I recently got a pinterest and always want to do the cool things I see on there, so I picked one that I thought was super easy. Turns out, "pinterest easy DIY" does not equal "works on the first try"!

I wanted to decorate some mason jars to hold my hair things, qtips, etc. and stuff in a pretty display on my bathroom counter.

 I found a project that's supposed to be simple:  you put some rubber bands around a jar, spray paint it, then take the rubber bands off and you have a cool pattern. The jar on the left is what it's "supposed" to look like, courtesy of google images.

see how easy it is?

Except not.  I failed twice!  I don't know if it was my spray paint, or if I didn't use rubber bands that were tight enough, or what, but they turned out all messy with the paint dripping everywhere and peeling when I took the rubber bands off and general imperfection.  I should have taken a picture.

So I decided to just paint the inside of the jars for the present.  You literally drop some paint in, swirl it around the glass until it covers the whole inside, and voila, it looks kind of pretty.  But I wanted more than just a solid color, so I just drizzled some paint across my jars to see what it would look like.  It turned out okay!

I'm pretty happy with my easier-than-easy project for now.  But I have more mason jars left, so there might be more to come!

Have a great day =)


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